Speak to us today: 0131 510 4003

3 months of unlimited job ads for just £99pm

Sign up for 3 months of unlimited job advert posting to CareJob.co and get premium access to our award-winning recruitment software, Workforce.

Minimum term 3 months. Price excludes VAT.

What you get

Unlimited job adverts

Any job posted to CareJob.co also appears on Google Jobs, helping you to increase visibility.

Unlimited access to Workforce

Manage your adverts and your applicants with Premium access to our award-winning recruitment software.

Unlimited applicants and users

There are no limits to how many applicants you can receive or how many users can be involved in your recruitment process.

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Want to chat?

Tel: 0131 510 4003

Email: hire@carejob.co

Frequently asked questions

What happens after the 3 month subscription?

You can continue with your subscription and buy credits to keep posting your jobs in CareJob.co

What are the normal prices for job adverts?

Our normal prices are based on the number of jobs you want to advertise for:
1 advert – £99
5 adverts – £149
10 adverts – £249
20 adverts – £349
However, for the first 3 months, you’ll get unlimited adverts for just £99pm.

How many applicants will I get?

It depends on your job advert criteria and the area you are advertising your position in. Feedback from our existing users tells us that the volume of applications received allowed them access to a range of high quality candidates, filling their vacancies fast.
Plus – if you need any support with getting the most out of your advert, we’re always on-hand to help!

When will my job adverts go live?

When you first sign up, we’ll validate your account and set up the system and your first advert for you which can take up to 24 hours. Once that’s done, you can manage your vacancies and post new adverts immediately – whenever you like.

How long will my job advert stay on Carejob.co?

Your adverts will show for 4 weeks, but during the first 3 months you can post as many adverts as you like!

What if I need help?

If you need any help, simply use the live chat, send us an email to hire@carejob.co or give us a call on 0131 510 4003. From how to create your perfect advert to full training sessions for your HR staff, you can be assured we’re here to help!